Spring Fresh!

Hey!!! Easter break has begun and me and Pearl have loads planned for the week ahead, mostly parks, fairs and and Easter parade. I'm enjoying mummy daughter activities with her getting a bit older! 

Today, because the weather was just awesome, we went out for lunch 'Alfreso' at a restaurant near home. I wore this peachy/nude skirt I bought recently at Primark. I had been eyeing a similar skirt at Topshop but couldn't justify it's price tag. So u can imagine my joy at finding this gorgeous version for £12. I loved the lighter material which is far more appropriate for the summer. I kept it simple, paired with a crisp white H&M top and peachy accessories from New Look.

I completed my look with my gorgeous tri-tone t.bar Zara heels from last spring/summer. These are another favourite of mine especially in terms of comfort. 

Hope you all have a lovely week ahead. 



That Hat!!!

Hey. It was my birthday this past Friday and I have had a fun filled weekend with friends and family, receiving lovely gifts to celebrate my 28th and the yummiest fresh fruit cake from my mum. 

So among my gifts was this colour block hat! Now hats aren't regularly my thing! I can't never find ones that look nice in me. Most are just overpowering ....but this hat.....This hat is the best hat that has ever laid on my head. It fits perfectly and is just so me!!!! I love love love it!!!! 

I wore it with this simple fit and flare little dress. It's an oldie but still a goodie. I have been loving my black dresses lately.
I completed the look with statement colour block heels to match that hat! I'm sure I say this everytime I talk about these shoes, they are the BEST, MOST COMFORTABLE  Shoes I have ever purchaced at Zara. That built in insole just allows you to walk and dance forever without a worry in the world. 

Anyway, I will be sharing more birthday goodies with you soon. And thank you to everyone for the birthday love!! 

Hope you are all good. 

Take care. 



Classic Black Dress.

Hey. Today I was trying to go for a grown up look....and what says that better than a classic black dress. I have a few but this one is my favourite, purely for its simplicity. It's just a simple fitted dress, no patterns or designs or anything that distracts. I just let the simplicity and great fit of the dress do the work. 

But, because I can't live without colour in my life, I added this gorgeous glossy red bag. (A new addition found at TKMaxx ). I have been finding bags that I just can't leave in the shop lately and this was one. It just looked so lush. I accessoried it with a scarf and added my grey heels to tie the look together. 

The joy of this look and this dress is I can redo this with different accessories and shoes and still have a fabulous outcome. 

Hope you are all great.

Take care. 



Sunday Casual.

Hey. Today was a lovely chilled Sunday, lunching with a friend and Pearl. I was going for a simple and casual look. I found this blouse in my wardrobe this morning and considering how badly I wanted it when I bought it, I really haven't worn it enough. 

So I paired it with black jeans ( that I got last week from Zara. Price so good I got 3 different shades! £19.99) 

I completed the look with this gorgeous fringe bag from H&M and cream block heels. Can't say how much I'm loving this bag. It's very boho chic and just great for casual, fun looks!! I saw it online and had to buy it especially at a cool £19,99. (Sold out but check instore). 

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend. 

Take care 



Spring vibes.

Hey. The sun has been shining and I have been lapping it up. In the UK, you never know when the good weather will be gone so I always make the most of it. 


Not that I ever need an excuse, I treated myself to this beautiful bright yellow bag from Zara as on of my birthday prezzies to me! I saw it on the shelf and it just spoke to me....so did the price (£26) It was love and purchase at first sight.  

I kept my look casual shopping with a new friend. This floral crossover top is one of my favourites from last summer and paired with these vibrant blue jeans, I felt bright and cheerful. 

I added the cream blazer, (because you can never be too sure with this weather) and cream high heels. 

Hope you have all been good and  well. 

Take care. 



Is it spring yet???

Hey. March is almost here. It will soon be spring. And I'm already catching glimpses of the sunshine. The slightest hint of sunshine and I'm already all smiles even thou it is still nippy and windy. 


I hooked myself up with this gorgeous jumpsuit from the  H&M spring collection of the New Icons. It is a lovely piece for a casual chic feel. And at £14.99....could you really complain. They sold out online in a few days but check your local stores and you might get lucky. 

I paired it with a faux fur coat that always makes me feel rather luxe and my multi coloured, patch work Pravda heels from Aldo rise. 
You could also try it this way..... 

Hope you are all well. 

Take care 



Dress that frock down

Hey. In the whole Valentine's spirit I decided to dress myself up in a pretty girly frock even though I didn't do anything special. Boo is away and to be honest, Valentine's day is very "High school". I remember the eagerness to receive roses when I was like 16.....and I don't even like roses!!! Lol. But hey, I will still dress up because, well, any excuse right?? 

So I wore this gorgeous Ted Baker dress I bought some years back. It's still so chic and stylish. I love the underskirt that gives it that Marilyn Monroe feel and with the wind today, I was so Marilyn it was crazy. Gladly it was a short day so I was back home quick thing. The dress....It was well worth the investment. 

I dressed it down with a knitted jumper, giving it a more casual, wearable and practical feel. I loved the caged heels as they gave an edgy feel to the dress. Plain pointed pumps made it seem too dressed up when I was trying dressed down and edgy. 

And there is nothing like a printed clutch for an edgy fun factor!

Hope you all enjoyed the day. 

Take care. 



Casual Chic.

Hey!!! So even when the weather is terrible, my bright colours keep me happy...and my gosh does this bright orange blazer make me happy. 

I think I have generally decided that longline and oversized blazers are my new thing! I found this one in the River Island sale. It was love at first sight. 

I kept it simple with jeans and a white tee shirt. And these nude heels...that my mum reminded me I bought because it was the last size 6 and someone else was eyeing them while I was holding them. Smh. I added a scarf I borrowed from mum and my studded bowling bag. This is a personal favourite for me, as outfits go! I felt fab!!! 
Take care. 



African Chic

Hey. I am absolutely sold on the African print trend! Another creation made in South Africa. I love this high waisted full skirt. It's comfy and trendy, chic and classy, sassy and fun....all in one!!! 

I chose a toned down print for this skirt because I wasn't sure if I could be committed to some of the bright coloured material. The mix of brown, mustard and white was just the right combination and I loved the earthy African tones. No regrets at all. 

I wanted the attention on the skirt so I kept the rest of the outfit simple with a white shirt, nude heels and a mustard bag. 

Hoping you are all great. 

Take care. 



Back to the Norm.

Hey. We are back in England, in this terrible weather. We had a bit of drama travelling back as our flight wasn't able to land at Birmingham airport due to fog. We ended up landing in Manchester and travelling by coach back to Birmingham then taxi to Leicester. Imagine trying to keep a 3yr old settled for an extra 6hrs after a 14 hour trip!!! 

So we are settling back, Pearl is back at nursery and I have been enjoying opening Xmas gifts and packages of stuff I bought online in the sales ( as if I'd let myself miss a bargain) lol. This blouse was among those packages and I love it! I love the toned down print and colour. 

I wore the blouse with ox blood skinnies, nude heels and my favourite still, nude/blush blazer. 

Hoping you are all good. 

Take care. 



The Beauty of Africa!

Hey! Today's outfit is a complete step out of the box for me. I have been seeing the African print doing the fashion rounds over the past year and much as it caught my eye, I just didn't see where to fit it in my lifestyle and personality. Perhaps I still associated it with being a bit on the Afrocentric side but my word, it has got more modern and chic with each Ankara / African print Instagram account I have been stalking. 

So I have taken advantage of being in South Africa with all these amazing fashionistas and designers, to dip my toes into this African print trend. My sister in law introduced me to a Nigerian tailor friend, who made this 2piece outfit and several other pieces! His work blew me away!!  The skirt and top are just perfection. 

I'm so glad I tried something new! Boo loved the look and I felt awesome in it! 

Hope you are all great. 

Take care. 



Change Is Good.

Hey!! I'm counting down my days in Africa. (Sigh). My sister-in-law is heavily pregnant and I have been hoping the baby arrives before we leave but chances are slim as she still has over 2weeks to go. So for her first day of maternity leave, we spent the day just chilling and having girl time, without our exhausting children. 

We picked them up later in the day from school/playgroup and swimming class and had some ice cream before we headed to our respective homes. I'm excited the next time we are here, there will be a gorgeous addition to my family. 

I kept it casual chic in dungarees and a high neck crop top. I added a necklace, simple heels and a statement clutch for a subtle wow factor. Ohhh....and I have new hair!!! Braids that took 7 hours of my life! My scalp is still a bit painful but I love them. A huge difference from my usual short crop cut. Change is good!! 

Hope you are all great. 

Take care. 




Africa (1) African print (2) Aldo Rise (2) Aldo Rise heels (1) Aldo Rise heels. HM peplum top (1) animal print (1) Ankara styles (1) Baby fashion (1) Bershka (2) Black (2) blazer (3) blouse (1) bowling bag. (1) braids (1) casual (2) Clutch (1) colour block (1) custom made (1) Custom made skirt (1) Denim (1) Dorothy Perkins (3) Dorothy Perkins heels (1) dress (2) Dungarees (1) faux fur (1) floral scarf (1) florals (2) formal (1) Hat (1) Head-wrap (1) heels (14) heels. (1) high waist (1) HM (36) HM bag (1) HM blazer and bag (1) HM blazer. (1) HM blouse (2) HM clutch (1) HM coat (1) HM dress (2) HM dress and clutch (2) HM dress and necklace (1) HM dungarees (1) HM fringe bag (1) HM jeans and shirt (1) HM jumpsuit (1) HM pants (1) HM scarf (2) HM teeshirt (1) HM top and jeans (1) holographic (1) House of Fraser dress (1) internaçional jumper (1) internaçionale dress (1) internaçionale skater dress (1) jacquard weave (1) LBD (2) Leather (2) Leicester (1) Leopard print (2) Matalan (1) Matalan heels (1) Matalan sandals. (1) Mint (1) Miss Selfridge (3) Miss Selfridge heels (1) modern tradition (1) New look (11) new look camisole (1) New Look crop top (1) New look heels (2) New Look jacket. (1) New Look leather jacket (1) nude skirt (1) Pearls (2) plaid (1) Preen (1) Primark (11) Primark blazer (2) Primark jeans (2) Primark necklace (1) Primark skinny jeans. (1) Primark top (1) Prints (1) RI (1) Rihanna (1) River island (11) River Island bag (1) River Island blazer (1) River Island boots (1) River Island heels (1) Skirt (2) skirt and bag. (1) Skort (3) Sogscissors hair salon (1) studs (1) Sue Timney (1) Ted Baker dress (1) TKMaxx (3) TKMaxx bag (4) TKmaxx dress (1) Top Shop (1) wedges (1) Zara (25) Zara clutch (1) Zara fringe skirt (1) Zara handbag (1) Zara heels (8) Zara heels and bag (1) Zara jeans (1) Zara nude heels (1) Zara shirt (1)